If you use a textured eraser on solid vector shapes or on pencil lines, the eraser will act like a solid vector eraser, that is, it will merely cut out the shape of the stroke from the artwork. This effect can only be obtained by using a textured eraser on a textured brush stroke. A solid vector eraser merely cuts out the shape of the eraser stroke from the vector artwork, whereas a textured vector eraser makes the artwork's bitmap texture more opaque or fully invisible, depending on its intensity, then cuts out some of the vector artwork that the eraser made fully invisible.Ī textured eraser works like a reverse textured brush: It makes the pixels in a brush stroke's texture more-or completely-transparent, depending on the eraser's intensity. When working on a bitmap layer, the eraser tool is always textured, whereas when working on vector layers, erasers are solid vector by default. To add a control point, press Ctrl (Windows/Linux) or ⌘ (macOS) and click on the contour where you want the new point to be created.A textured eraser can have the same settings as a textured brush: It can have a bitmap tip of any shape, can be hard or soft, semi-transparent, combine two tips and be applied with a paper texture effect.A new Bezier handle will follow your mouse cursor until you release the mouse button. To create Bezier handles for these points and make their lines curved, pres and hold the Alt key, then click and hold the point and drag the mouse cursor away from it. Straight lines have no Bezier handles at their points by default.To remove a point's Bezier handles and make the lines it is connected to straight, press and hold the Alt key and click on the point.To deform the curve between two points, hold the Shift key and drag the contour between two points.To deform the contour, drag a part of the contour between two points.To change the curve on only one side of a point, press and hold the Alt key, then drag one of its Bezier handles.To change the curve on both sides of a point, drag one of its Bezier handles.To move a point or a selection of multiple points, click and drag it.You can use the Contour Editor to scale and rotate a selection of multiple points by enabling the Show Centerline Editor Control option in the Tool Properties view.

TIP: You can select several points by drawing a lasso around the points, or by holding Shift while clicking on points to add them to your selection.